Category Archives: Volkswagen

Ist das der neue Scirocco CLUB?

Unser neuer Marketingleiter hat das so bestellt. Was meint ihr, haben wir ihn richtig verstanden? Wie gefällt euch der Entwurf?
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Our new marketing director ordered it that way. What do you think, did we get him right? How do you like the design?
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Coloring easter eggs with Volkswagen

Eggsperience the fastest way to color Easter eggs. Who needs a bunny when you’ve got the Beetle? Wanna see some more action? Subscribe:
Do not attempt to recreate this stunt. Sequences were recorded with professionals in a closed area.

Der schnellste Weg Eier zu färben: Speed-Coloring mit dem Beetle! Da kann der Osterhase einpacken. Lust auf noch mehr Action? Abonniere den Volkswagen Channel:
Professioneller Fahrer und Beifahrer. Abgesperrtes Gelände. Nicht zur Nachahmung empfohlen.

Ovoexperiência (ou Fusca + ovos + tinta), o caminho mais rápido para colorir ovos de Páscoa. Quem precisa de coelho quando você tem o Fusca? Quer ver um pouco mais de velocidade em ação?
Não tente recriar esta façanha. As sequências foram gravadas com profissionais em uma área fechada.

Easter eggtion in the Beetle – how does the story go on?

Stay tuned and get ready for some Easter eggtion!
Do not attempt to recreate this stunt. Sequences were recorded with professionals in a closed area. Wanna see some more Easter eggtion? Subscribe:

Lust auf mehr Oster-Eggtion? Abonniere Volkswagen: Professioneller Fahrer und Beifahrer. Abgesperrtes Gelände. Nicht zur Nachahmung empfohlen.

Easter Eggtion with Volkswagen

Who needs a bunny when you’ve got the Beetle? Stay tuned!
Do not attempt to recreate this stunt. Sequences were recorded with professionals in a closed area. Stay tuned for the whole story! Subscribe:

Lust auf mehr Oster-Eggtion? Abonniere den Volkswagen Channel:
Professioneller Fahrer und Beifahrer. Abgesperrtes Gelände. Nicht zur Nachahmung empfohlen.

Das Auto. Magazine: Touareg – Driving is Freedom

“Water as an element is a very important part of my life…” Managing Director Stefan Frauscher explains what constitutes a real Aquarian, and why the new Touareg is his perfect vehicle. More information:

“Das Element Wasser ist ein ganz wichtiger Bereich in meinem ganzen Leben…” Firmenchef Stefan Frauscher erklärt, was einen echten Wassermann ausmacht und warum der neue Touareg das optimale Fahrzeug für ihn ist. Mehr Infos: